3 Must-Have Android Apps for 2018

Are you always on the lookout for the best and latest android apps? Well you’re at right place. With so many available choices, choosing and finding the right apps can be a little troublesome. Bearing this in mind, we’ve put together some of the best android apps that are worth downloading. Let’s have a look at these apps below;



Whether you want to read a new comic stuff or looking for something interesting for your kids, this free android app Cosmic is just more than an app. With this amazing app, everything is in your control as you can skim through the newest titles to choose the best one. It’s super easy and you don’t require any special skill to use that app.



As it name suggests, the app keeps you updated with the latest news and blog posts of your choice. The app is the single source for getting everything you like under one roof. It’s a complete package for those wanting to stay updated with the latest alerts.



Whether you’re looking for a to-do manager, note take, list keeper or voice recorder, look no further than Evernote, a versatile android app that every user must have. it may sound you a little tricky at first, but soon you’ll find some ways to use it the right way. What attracts me the most is its Optical Character Recognition feature making text or writing in photos searchable.

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This article was written by Julian Payne

Julian is an expert in all things technology. He enjoys writing blogs about how to use the latest software and hardware on the market, while also providing advice for using existing technology more effectively. His favorite pastimes include reading comic books and playing video games.